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Desi whole Duck, Ente, cleaned, halal, 2kg, 1pcs


Base price: 9,48  / kg

Desi whole Duck, Ente, cleaned, halal, 2kg. Online Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours Desi Online Market. Duck for Grill or cooking-ready without organs. Its halal and desi. Duck meat is a festival meat espicially in winter, on festival occation (Party, Birthday or even in Chrismas celebrations). Duck meat an excellent source of protein. Protein keeps us healthy by building and repairing our muscles, skin and blood. Nutrition: per 100g Duck meat, approximately, contains Energy 337kcal, Fat 28g (out of it saturated fat 10g), Cholesterol 84mg, Na 59mg, K 204mg, Carbohydrate 0g, Protein 19g (also contains iron, selenium, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, calcium, Cobalamin, and a small amount of vitamin C). Allergy information: Ovalbumin, Ovomucoid, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme are 4 main allergens in duck meat.

Ziegenkeule, Desi Mutton, Goat meat-leg, Bakra ka Gosht, Halal, 1kg


Base price: 15,47  / kg

Desi Mutton, Goat Meat-Shoulder, Bakra ka Gosht, Khashir Mangsho, Pathar mangsho, halal, 1kg. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market. Goat meat or goat’s meat is the meat of the domestic goat. Goat meat from adults is often called Bakra, chevon and cabrito, capretto, or kid when it is from young animals. Its very Tasty and less fatty than Lamm. It is It is halal(certified), healthy (certified) and daily fresh. We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided meat. The minimum processing time is 24hours before dispatch it.

Ziegenfleisch-Schulter, Desi Mutton, Goat-shoulder, 1kg


Base price: 14,97  / kg

Desi Mutton, Goat Meat-Shoulder, Bakra ka Gosht, Khashir Mangsho, 1kg. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market. Its desi, its halal, Its fresh ! Desi Mutton is in your hand in Germany. Goat meat or goat's meat is the meat of the domestic goat. Goat meat from adults is often called Bakra, chevon and cabrito, capretto, or kid when it is from young animals. Its very Tasty and less fatty than Lamm. It is halal and daily fresh. We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided meat. The minimum processing time is 24hours before dispatch it.

Rinder Magen, cow-Bhuri, Rinderpensen, Beef cow-Intestine, 1kg


Base price: 8,47  / kg

Rinder Magen, Bhuri, Rinderpensen, Gorur bhuri  Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Halal Market.

Its Halal and also very  tasty.  We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided meat. The minimum processing time is 24hours before dispatch it. Nutrition of per 140-gram serving of cooked beef magen provides, approximately, Calories: 125, Fat: 5g, Protein: 18g, Vitamin B12: 1.53 micro g, Se: 18.2 microg Zn: 2.07 mg, Ca mg. Allergic content in Beef Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (also known as Alpha-gal). Its fresh & Halal-ready to cook. Store it in cold place (under -18oC). Production in DE & its slaughtered Halal. Supplier: Grundland Fleisch GmbH, Germany.

Lamm Magen, Ziegen Pansen, Bhuri, Lamm-Ziegenpensen, 1kg


Base price: 0,80  / 100 g

Lamm/Ziegen Magen, Bhuri, Lamm-Ziegenpensen, khashir bhuri  Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Halal Market. Its clean & Halal-ready to cook. It has many nutrients such as minerals (Rohprotein, Rohfett, Feuchtigkeit) and vitamins. Its tasty dish and also healthy.

Fresh Green Mango, Raw Grünes Mango, Kacha Aam, 200g-350g


Base price: 11,50  9,96  / kg

Fresh green mango, kacha Aam, raw mango. Tukwila-ZaZu Online Grocery Store in Germany. Halal Desi online Market. Raw Mangoes, Kacha Aam, Green Mangoes: hailed as the king of fruits, these are a powerhouse of nutrition and very high in Vitamin C too. Nutritional Value of Raw Mango (in 100g): Fat-0.3 g, Carbs-17 g, Vitamin C-27.7 mg, Vitamin A-0.2 mg, Vitamin A 0.2 mg, Folate-14 mcg, Vitamin B6-0.1 mg, Vitamin K-4.2 mcg.  

Fried Onions, Röstzwiebeln, 400g

Fried Onions, Röstzweln. Desi vegetables, Gemüse. Indian Pakistani Bengali vegetables. Tukwila-ZaZu Online Grocery store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Market. Its clean, fried and ready to eat, use and cook.

Desi Tilapia Fish-whole, (550-850g), 1pcs


Base price: 0,72  / 100 g

Desi Tilapia Fish-whole. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market. Tilapia is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, both of which are important for good health. Tilapia fish is a pretty impressive source of protein. In 3.5 ounces (100 grams), it packs 26 grams of protein and only 128 calories (3). Even more impressive is the amount of vitamins and minerals in this fish. Tilapia is rich in niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium and potassium. Tilapia are mainly freshwater sweet fish inhabiting shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, and sources high protein vitamin-B12. Online Grocery in Germany

Chicken Legs-Daily Fresh, Hähnchen Schenkel, halal, 1kg

Chicken Legs-Daily Fresh, Hähnchen Schenkel, halal, 1kg (Online price 3.99€/kg). Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi online Market. It is halal and daily fresh. We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided meat. It is daily fresh halal chicken. Very tasty meat for curry, roast, grill, tandoori, korma and more south Asian recipe. We prepare the chicken for you with homely care:: remove the skin (according tho the customers' need), cut into small pieces for cooking. READY TO COOK FRESH CHICKEN.

Suntat Bulgur-Pilavlik, Coarsed, Craked Wheat, Lapsi Flour, 500g


Base price: 3,18  / kg

Suntat Bulgur- Bakliyat with Fadennudel, coarsed-grober, Cracked Wheat, Fada, 500g. Tukwila-Zazu Online grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours online Halal Desi Market. Bulgur or Bulgurweizen (also Boulghour , Bulghur or arabic برغل Burghul , DMG Burġul ) is a pre-cooked (hydro thermically pre-treated) wheat (Parboiled).  After the subsequent drying, the released bran is mechanically removed. The grain is then cut coarsely or finely with a greasy cutter . It is mainly made of hard wheat and is a major food in Turkey and the Middle East . Bulgur can, for example, Such as rice with various ingredients (vegetables and / or meat). It can also be consumed as a couscous in North Africa , steamed or after soaking without cooking, as a taboulé or as a kısır (bulgur salad) . Bulgur is also an important ingredient for the court Çiğ Kft , which is common in the south-east of Turkey. You can enjoy bulgur as a simple, tasty side dish for dinner, or use it as an ingredient in our California-Style Veggie Burgers, add it to soups, use in stuffing, turn it into a grain salad, or enjoy as a hot breakfast cereal. In terms of nutrition, bulgur holds its own when compared to fiber-rich brown rice – with more than twice the fiber and four times as much folate! Bulgur can be used in recipes calling for converted rice, and has been found to be more nutritious than rice. In terms of overall health, bulgur wins! With less calories, more fiber, and more micronutrients (all due to it being a whole grain), this bulgur is the healthier choice. Another name for bulgur is wheat groats. Made of durum (hard) wheat, bulgur is cracked and partially cooked before packaging. Ingredient: 100% wheat. Nutrition of boiled bulgur wheat, per serving portion of 100g, approximately, provides: Calories: 342kcak, Fiber: 19g , Protein: 23 g, Sodium: 5 mg, Fat: 0,9 g, Cholesterol: 0 g, Carbohydrates: 51 g, Sugar: 0,9 g. Salt 0,2g. Store in in a cold & dry place, away from direct sunlight.Allergy: Wheat

Poppy Seeds, Mohn, TRS/Heera, 100g


Base price: 1,79  1,69  / 100 g

TRS/Heera/AliBaba Poppy Seeds, Mohn. Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi online Market. Poppy seed is the seed from the poppy plant. People take poppy seed by mouth for asthma, constipation, cough, diarrhea caused by infection, difficulty sleeping, and to diagnose a condition called vesicoenteric fistula. In foods, poppy seed is used to make cakes, pastries, filling, glaze, or porridge. Nutrition Values per 100g Poppy seeds, approximately 533calories, Fat 44.7g (out of it saturated fat 4.8g), Carbohydrate 23.69g (out of it sugar 23.69g), Protein 18.04g, Dietary Fiber 10g, Cholesterol 0mg, Na 21mg, Store in in a cold & dry place, away from direct sunlight.Poppy seeds contains homologues of Bet v 1 and profilin which are allergy to pollens or nuts or Birch or Mugwort. Manufactured in IND. Supplier & distributor Sona Food Traders, Germany. All the exact Information (Nutrition & Ingredients) are given on the packet preciously from the producing company in different language including German.

Wagh Bakri premium Black Tea, Tee, loose, 1kg

Wagh Bakri premium Tea, Tee. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours online Desi Market. Wagh Bakri Tea is super black loose tea of India. It is special leaves tea from Assam and Darjeeling. It tastes great with or without milk. A blend of select Assam teas, Wagh Bakri is high on strength and instantly refreshes a person. Consistency of quality through the years is another feather in our cap. Aroma of this Wagh Bakri tea is very good, rich & refreshing.

Neha Hand Henna Cone, Henna Tube, Henne, Mehendi, Brown-natural color, 1-tube, 25g

Neha Hand Henna Cone, Henna Tube, Henne, Mehendi, Brown-natural color, 1-tube, 25g. Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and your desi online market. It colors your hand and mind-makes you more romantic...

Aseel Vegetable Butter Ghee, Vegan Butter Ghee, 500g


Base price: 0,48  / 100 g

Aseel Vegetables Ghee, Vegan Butter Ghee, 500g. Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery Store in Germany.  Its reliable trusted and yours desi Market is Germany. Assel Butter Ghee is ideal for sautéing, braising, pan-frying and deep-frying. Often 1 tablespoon of Butter Ghee will work just as well as four tablespoons of any other cooking oil. It is an all-natural, salt-free, lactose-free alternative to hydrogenated cooking oils. Aseel Pure Butter Ghee is clarified butter. The secret ingredient that gives Indian cooking its distinctive flavour. Butter Ghee is ideal for sautéing, braising, pan-frying and deep-frying. Often 1 tablespoon of Butter Ghee will work just as well as four tablespoons of any other cooking oil. Ingredients of Butter Ghee (Arabic Ghee) Butterfat (milk) 99.8%, Moisture 0.19%, Flavouring 0.01%. Suitable for vegetarians. Suitable for halal diet. For allergens, see ingredients in bold (It contains milk).

Khenaizi Dubai Dates, التمر, Datteln, Khajur, Khurma, 500g


Base price: 0,80  / 100 g

Khenaizi Dubai Dates, التمر, Datteln, Khajur, Khejur. Tukwila-ZaZu Online Grocery store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Market. Health Benefits: 1. Very Nutritious 2. High in Fiber 3. High in Disease-Fighting Antioxidants 4. May Promote Brain Health 5. May Promote Natural Labor 6. Excellent Natural Sweetener 7. Other Potential Health Benefits- bone health, blood sugar control. 8. Easy to Add to Your Diet Food Values: 100g Dates contain the following nutrients: Calories: 277 Carbs: 75 g Fiber: 7 g Protein: 2 g Potassium: 20% of the RDI Magnesium: 14% of the RDI Copper: 18% of the RDI Manganese: 15% of the RDI Iron: 5% of the RDI Vitamin B6: 12% of the RDI Store it cold and dry place, away from direct sunlight. All the exact Information/Nutrition are given on the packet preciously from the producing company/Supplier in different language including German.  Production of ARE;  Importer & Supplier- Suntat Food Traders, Germany.

TRS Almond-whole, Kathbadam, Mandelsamen, 100g

Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

TRS Cashew Nuts, whole, Kaju, Cashewnüsse,TRS/Heera, 100g

TRS Cashew Nuts, whole, Kaju, Cashewnüsse. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours online Desi Market. The cashew tree is a tropical evergreen tree that produces the cashew seed and the cashew apple. High levels of iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. Cashew nuts are commonly used in Indian cuisine, whole for garnishing, sweets, curries, or ground into a paste that forms a base of sauces for curries (e.g., korma), or some sweets (e.g., kaju barfi). It is also used in powdered form in the preparation of several Indian sweets and desserts.

Black Kismis, Sultans, Schwarzes Sultanien, Rosinen, 350g


Base price: 0,85  / 100 g

Black Rosinen (Kismis), Sultans, Schwarzes Sultanien, mdh, 350g. Tukwila Zazu Online Grocery Shop in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi hat bazar, ishti kutum, bangla bazar online Market. Rosinen/Sultans are used for sweets, payesh, kheer, polau, biryani and other Indian dishes. Gold Rosinen/ Sultanas have a high sugar content with around 65% glucose and fructose - but they are always healthier to eat than chocolate. Above all, sultanas can score with valuable minerals, especially magnesium, which plays an important role for muscles and nerves. It contains also  vitamins -B, -C , they also contain important minerals such as potassium and magnesium.