Salt-Sugar & More
Sugar Salt & More.. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market.
Showing 1–36 of 62 results
Dabur Hajmola Pudina, Mint, 66g
Dabur Hajmola IMLI- Tamarind, 120pcs, 66g
Maggi Chicken Cubes, halal, 1pcs(2-cubes), 24g
Maggi Chicken Cubes, halal, 24-Cubes(2-pcs in 1)x24stk, 576g
T-Plus Masala, MDH, 35g
Tamarind ( IMLI ) block, Tetul, TRS/Heera, 400g
TRS Anardana Powder, 100g
Anardana Seeds, Granatapfelkerne, TRS/Heera/Banno, 100g
Chia seeds, Cia, Chia samen, Salvia hispanica, 100g
Sat Isabgul Chilka, Flohsamen Schalen, Psyllium husks, 100g
TRS Tamarind, Tamarinde, IMLI Block-without seeds, 200g
The polyphenols in tamarind have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These can protect against diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Tamarind might be helpful for the heart. Tamarind contains a high amount of potassium which might help with blood pressure and heart rate. Tamarind might also help in lowering bad cholesterol levels and may decrease the risk of atherosclerosis (heart disease). Health benefits of tamarind -full of antioxidants. Antioxidants are naturally occurring chemicals found in some foods. -It is good source of magnesium. -It helps reduce inflammation. -It may play a role in obesity therapy and good for peoples’ diabetics Ingredient: 100% whole Tamarind; Nutrition: per 100g Tamarind, approximately, energy 314kcal, Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 0mg,Carbohydrate- 14g, Protein 3g, total crab 74g, sugar 49g, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium. Store it in Cool and dry place - away from direct Sunlight. Allergy: Tamarind. Brand: TRS/HeeraTukmaria, TRS, 100g
Darina Mango powder, Mangopulver, Instant drinks, 7500g
Darina Orange powder, Orangenpulver, 750g
Darina Pineapple powder, Ananas Pulver, 750g
Bicarbonate Soda, Mithasoda, TRS/lifestyle, 100g
Citric Acid, Zitronensäure, lemon salt, Heera/ TRS/lifestyle, 100g
Citric Acid, Zitronensäure, lemon salt, Suntat, 250g
Himalayan Virgin Pink Salt, Salz, Namak, 400g
- Its detoxifies the body by balancing systemic pH.
- Pink salt contains a lot of minerals, including magnesium and potassium.
- this ingredient in DIYs gives you healthy skin and hair.
- It helps as a foot soak to relax the muscles and relieve pain.
- Himalayan Virgin Pink Salt has high natural iron content
Shan Himalaya Pink Salt-crystal, Salz, Namak, 340g
Suntat Himalaya Pink Salt-crystal, Salz, Namak, 350g
Jagri Gur, Jaggery, Biozucker, Akergur, Heera/TRS/Banno, 450g
Limo Dry Lemon-dark, Lime, الليمون الجاف, Trockene Zitrone, 100g
Sakkar, Powdered Jaggery, Gur, Bio-zucker, Heera/TRS,/Banno 500g
Iodine See Salt-fine Salt, Jodiert Meer Salz, Suntat, 1kg
Table Salt, Tafel Salt, Salz, 500g
TRS Black Salt, Kala Namak, 100g
TRS-lifestyle Baking Powder, Backpulver, 100g
Jagri Gur, Jaggery Goor, Biozucker, Akergur, Heera/TRS/Banno, 900g
khejurer Patali Gur, Nolen Gur, Dates Jaggery, 250g
Punjabi Pesi Gur, Biozucker, Akergur, Banno/Heera/Alibaba, 500g
Coconut Milk, Tetrapack, HENG GUAN, 1000ml
Sujhita Shredded Coconut, frozen, 300g
A varieties of Jagry-Jur, Sakar-Bio Sugar, possible types of salt- Pink salt, Black salt, Chinese salt, Sea salt, Iodised salt and more types of salt. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market.