Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market.
Tukwila offer Desi Mutton original taste 100% Guaranty, Desi Whole Chicken and daily fresh halal all possibles Meat.
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Bora Paya, Rinderfüße, Cow Legs, halal, 1kg (cut)
Bakra ka Paya-Chota, Lammfüße, Lamm Legs, halal, 500g
Rinderbeinhesse, Beef, Cow Meat with bones, halal&Fresh, 1kg
Fresh Beef-without bones, Bug, Rindergulasch, Kalbfleisch, cow-meat, halal, 1kg
Chicken Finger Kabap, Hühnerstäbchen, Halal, 1kg
Desi whole kokolo Chicken, Suppenhuhn, desi murgi, hard chicken, Halal, ca. (1.0~ 1.1)kg
Desi whole kokolo Chicken, Suppenhuhn, desi murgi, hard chicken, Halal, ca. (1.4kg+~ 1.5)kg
Desi whole Duck, Ente, cleaned, halal, 2kg, 1pcs
Grill Chicken-whole, Deutsches Grillhähnchen, halal, 850g
Koel, Koyel, Quail Bird Meat, halal, (ca150g-180g/pcs), 4-pcs-Pack
Ganzes Hähnchen, whole Chicken, halal, ca. 1.0~1.1kg
Cleaned Chicken Feet, cleaned, Hühnerfüße, Halal, 1kg
Hähnchenfilet, Chicken breast, Broast, Boneless-Chicken, halal,1kg
Chicken Froz. Heart-Gizzard-Liver-halal, 500g
Chicken Legs-Daily Fresh, Hähnchen Schenkel, halal, 1kg
Lamm Keule, Mutton, Sheep-meat, Bher Ka Gosht, Halal, 1kg
Lamm Schulter, Mutton, Sheep-meat, Bher Ka Gosht, Halal, 1kg
Lamm-Goat Head & Brain, Kopf, Desi Mutton, halal, 1pcs
Ziegen Hoden, Goat Eggs, Kapure, 500g
Rinder Leber, Desi Beef Liver, halal, 500g
Ziegen/Lamm Leber, Goat Desi Mutton Liver, halal, 500g
Lamm Magen, Ziegen Pansen, Bhuri, Lamm-Ziegenpensen, 1kg
Rinder Magen, cow-Bhuri, Rinderpensen, Beef cow-Intestine, 1kg
Rinder Magen, Bhuri, Rinderpensen, Gorur bhuri Tukwila-Zazu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Halal Market.
Its Halal and also very tasty. We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided meat. The minimum processing time is 24hours before dispatch it. Nutrition of per 140-gram serving of cooked beef magen provides, approximately, Calories: 125, Fat: 5g, Protein: 18g, Vitamin B12: 1.53 micro g, Se: 18.2 microg Zn: 2.07 mg, Ca mg. Allergic content in Beef Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (also known as Alpha-gal). Its fresh & Halal-ready to cook. Store it in cold place (under -18oC). Production in DE & its slaughtered Halal. Supplier: Grundland Fleisch GmbH, Germany.Rinderhaut geschnitten, Cow Skin-cut, 1kg
Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Halal Market.
Its Halal and also very tasty. We can cut into pieces and prepare for you up to the mark of your kitchen. You may enjoy the cooking with the provided cow skin. The minimum processing time is 24hours before dispatch it. Nutrition of per 100-gram serving of cooked cow skin contains, approximately, about 224.65kcal of energy, 6.80g of carbohydrate, about 43.9g of water, 46.9g of protein, 1.09g of fat, and 0.02g of fibre. Allergic content in Beef Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (also known as Alpha-gal).Ziegenkeule, Desi Mutton, Goat meat-leg, Bakra ka Gosht, Ziegenfleisch, Halal, 1kg
Ziegenkotelett, Desi Mutton, Goat Grill Meat, Champe ka gosht, 1kg
Ziegenfleisch-Rippen, Desi Mutton, Goat Ribs, Bakra ka Gosht-Sinna, 1kg
Ziegenfett, Desi Mutton Fats, Goat Fats, Khashir Mangsher Chorbi, Bakra ka gosht, 500g
Ziegenfleisch-Schulter, Desi Mutton, Goat-shoulder, 1kg
Ziegenfleisch, Desi Mutton, Goat-mix, Khashir Mangsho, Bakra ka gosht, 1kg
Ziegenhals, Desi Mutton, Goat Neck, Bakra ka Gosht, Ziegenfleisch, 1kg
Daily fresh Meat, Bakra ka Gosht, Mutton, Goat Meat, Lamm, Chicken, Hähnchen, Ziegenfleisch, Rinderfleisch, Beef, Fleisch mit Knocken-Halal-meat aA.
Its your halal Desi Tukwila-ZaZu online Store in Germany.
Its reliable, trusted and yours desi halal online Market.