Lamm Magen, Ziegen Pansen, Bhuri, Lamm-Ziegenpensen, 1kg

Original price was: 8,47 €.Current price is: 7,99 €.

Base price: 0,80  / 100 g

Ziegen/Lamm Pansen, Its tasty dish and also healthy.
This is because it has many nutrients such as minerals (Rohprotein, Rohfett, Feuchtigkeit) and vitamins.
Among other things, they contribute to bone formation.

Nutrition in per 100g (serving portion), approximately, Total Fat 3 g- 4%, Saturated fat 0,9 g- 4%, Cholesterol 75 mg – 25%, Sodium 86 mg – 3%, Potassium 405 mg- 11%, Total Carbohydrate 0 g 0%, Dietary fiber 0 g 0%, Sugar 0 g, Protein 27g- 54%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 1%
Iron 20% Vitamin D 0%, Vitamin B6 0% Cobalamin 20%, Magnesium 0%.

Its clean & Halal-ready to cook. Store it in cold place (under -18oC). Allergy: Lamm /Goat Pansen, Magen.

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Lamm/Ziegen Magen, Pansen, Bhuri, Lamm-Ziegenpensen, Khashir Bhuri, Hujri. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable trusted and yours desi online Halal Market.

Ziegen/Lamm Pansen, Its tasty dish and also healthy.
This is because it has many nutrients such as minerals (Rohprotein, Rohfett, Feuchtigkeit) and vitamins.
Among other things, they contribute to bone formation.

Nutrition in per 100g (serving portion), approximately, Total Fat 3 g- 4%, Saturated fat 0,9 g- 4%, Cholesterol 75 mg – 25%, Sodium 86 mg – 3%, Potassium 405 mg- 11%, Total Carbohydrate 0 g 0%, Dietary fiber 0 g 0%, Sugar 0 g, Protein 27g- 54%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 1%
Iron 20% Vitamin D 0%, Vitamin B6 0% Cobalamin 20%, Magnesium 0%.

Its clean & Halal-ready to cook. Store it in cold place (under -18oC). Allergy: Lamm /Goat Pansen, Magen.

Produced, Halal & Supplier: Grundland Fleisch GmbH, Germany.

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Weight 1 kg
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