Baklawa, Baklava, Oriental sweet, Süßigkeiten, 400g


Baklawa, Baklava, Oriental sweet, Süßigkeiten, 400g. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours online Desi Market.

Baklava is a pastry dessert with layers. It is very strong sweet in Taste. It contains filo pastry (thin layers), nuts,  syrup or honey. it is a common dessert of Iranian, Turkish and Arab cuisines, and other countries.

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Baklawa, Baklava, Oriental sweet, Süßigkeiten, 200g. Tukwila-ZaZu online get Grocery Store in Germany. Its reliable, trusted and yours online Desi Market.

Baklava is a pastry dessert with layers. It is very strong sweet in Taste. It contains filo pastry (thin layers), nuts,  syrup or honey. it is a common dessert of Iranian, Turkish and Arab cuisines, and other countries.

Additional information
Weight 0,45 kg
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